Ashlin Associates takes full advantage of its president’s expertise in public speaking and communications to offer motivational presentations on a variety of management and productivity related topics.
Paulette Ashlin is a sought-after speaker and presenter who engages her audience with warmth, humor, and amazing stories. Adapting to audiences from all industries, levels, and professions, she is able to find common ground while motivating and teaching participants to enhance their leadership and careers. Her energetic presentation style enlivens her audiences while addressing noteworthy business concepts. Paulette’s recently published book, Leading: The Way – Behaviors That Drive Success, has inspired presentation topics ranging from Fishbowl Leadership, Self-Awareness, Self-Control, to Self-Stewardship, Integrity, Humility, and Acting The Part.
To engage Paulette Ashlin for one of your events, please contact here.
Speaking Testimonials
Paulette Ashlin was invited to speak at the Third Annual AHPBA HPB Surgery Fellows Course held in Charlotte, NC, on August 17, 2014. We host all fellows who are entering their specialty training in liver, pancreas and biliary surgery. Paulette joined the top leadership in HPB surgery and her lecture on “Characteristics of Great Leaders” was by far the most well-received. Paulette was a captivating speaker with an amazing connection to her audience, relating to the younger fellows as well as the older surgeons. She was quite the motivational speaker and actively interacted with her audience. The attention level was amazing. The feedback following the program was full of praise, both for her insights and methods to develop and recognize leadership skills. She is that rare individual who can connect instantly with her audience, get them thinking in new ways. We have had multiple requests for her to return for additional programs. Words to describe Paulette: energetic, funny, engaging, and insightful.
Chief, HPB Surgery Program Director, HPB Surgery Fellowship, Carolinas Medical Center
Paulette Ashlin is a fantastic speaker. Bringing you in to speak to our doctoral students about consulting excellence was a no-brainer decision. Thank you for sharing your experiences in such an engaging and powerful way.
University Professor of Organizational Science, University of North Carolina Charlotte and Author
As a public speaker Paulette Ashlin is engaging, direct, and extremely knowledgeable. Her compelling and informative leadership presentation made complex subjects easily digestible and understood. An engaging ability to combine practical experience with keen insight allows Paulette to effectively reach varied audiences. I obtained new ideas and helpful takeaways from Paulette’s presentation that I was able to share in turn with the diverse group of managers within my organization.
General Manager, Carmel Country Club
Paulette spoke at the PMA Foundation Women’s Fresh Perspectives Conference on Emotional Intelligence. Her content was well-informed, her presentation was flawless and her engagement with the audience excellent. In fact, one participant stated in her evaluation: “Could have spent the whole day with…Paulette.
Former PMA Foundation Executive Director, PMA Senior Vice President
It truly was a pleasure meeting Paulette Ashlin and learning about the life experiences that have shaped her both personally and professionally. I was so energized when I returned to the office that I reviewed all the notes I had taken with a colleague!
Former Training Manager, (on presentation to GE Women’s Network)